Cabañas San Isidro maintains a vital role as one of the front-runners on Ecuador 's east-slope with respect to tying together land acquisition and protection projects, serious biological research, community involvement and world-class nature tourism in one of the most ecologically sensitive and important zones that the country has to offer.
San Isidro Lodge is the major nexus in the Cosanga Valley that links the Antisana and Gran Sumaco Reserves by way of a wide and splendid flat montane forest reserve; flat forests in the Andes these days are hard to come by since much of this habitat type has been converted into pasture.
More recently San Isidro has worked closely with Biocomercio and GIZ to help make the reserve more sustainable through community projects designed to benefit everybody involved. The goal is that the lodge, the locals, and the forest can forge a relationship that benefits everybody, leaving the smallest ecological footprint possible.